651 Early Voting, Taxes, Senator Opposes Charter Schools, Education Savings Accounts, and more 10.22.2024
647 New Mexico’s Crisis of Progressive Governance, the passing of Scott Appleman and John Arthur Smith and more 10.08.2024
646 Peter Rice – Downtown Albuquerque News – Proposals for Improvement of Downtown Albuquerque 10.03.2024
645 New Mexico Sitting on $6 Billion in Unspent Capital Outlay with Worst Roads in the Nation and more 10.01.2024
643 Lobo Athletics & Housing Market Update – Mackenzie Bishop of UNM Lobo Club and Abrazo Homes 09.24.2024
641 Second Trump Assasination Attempt, New Mexico Polling Data, Marianna Padilla NEW PED Secretary, Keller’s Plans for Downtown ABQ and more 09.17.2024