689 Update from the Legislature, Alcohol Tax Tabled, Modification of EV Rules Rejected and more 03.11.2025
688 Why tax reform is needed in New Mexico, The relative economic harm of different taxes, Why the Gross Receipts Tax is so Unique (Bad) 03.06.2025
681 MLG Seeks Education Reform?, Tax Dollars to Pay Athletes, Santa Fe New Mexican Article and more 02.11.2025
679 Rural School Districts Can’t be Forced to Adopt 5-Day School Weeks, Education Scores Released and more 02.04.2025
677 Bad Bills Moving at Legislature, Thoughts on State of the State Address, New Mexican’s Median Pay Lowest in America and more 01.28.2025
675 Trump Inauguration, More Biden Pardons, LFC Budget a Dud for Taxpayers, Landman and more 01.21.2025
673 Las Cruces Business Closure, Free Speech Victory, Wallethub’s Best States for Families and more 01.14.2025