188 Shutdown Decisions, Economic Issues, Oil Deals, Mail-In Elections, Austerity

On this week’s podcast, Paul and Wally discuss the Foundation’s newly-published list of Eight Shutdown Decisions the Gov. Should Reverse NOW.

President Trump just convinced several oil-producing nations to sign a deal to limit oil production. What does it mean? Can the federal government simply limit oil production?

So far the Gov. has not seriously started to discuss or address the economic issues with this crisis. She has created a task force, but still not taken any significant steps to address the economy.

Will there be a mail-in election for the June primary? New Mexico’s GOP has filed a lawsuit, but Paul and Wally discuss the pros and cons of this idea as well as its potential impact in a primary as opposed to a general election.

Finally, is “austerity” here again? Did we have “austerity” in the economic crisis of 2008-2009?