566 New Mexico’s $10 Billion Welfare Programs, Cost of EV Chargers, PED Seeks to Micromanage Public and Private Schools and more

RGF was in the ABQ Journal over the weekend discussing the Gov.’s proposed EV charger mandates and how New Mexicans can push back. 

In related news Paul did a request of CNM. They said each level 2 EV charging station cost $45,000.

LFC report says New Mexico’s welfare programs are ineffective despite spending $10 billion annually (they also find the best anti-poverty program is a job).

New Mexico will be blessed once again by a mind-blowing oil driven budget surplus, but the obsession continues over theoretical declines.

I recently sat down with KOAT to discuss IRB’s and their use for the soccer stadium. This is a good time to discuss Industrial Revenue Bonds.

PED pushed to micromanage both public AND private schools at a meeting on Monday.