227 The Week in Review and Ryan Davis of IPANM on Methane Rule

A new Centers for Disease Control report states that 6% of COVID 19 cases have no comorbidities. Paul and Wally are NOT medical experts and they discuss why this data doesn’t mean COVID deaths are only 6 percent of the reported total.

The Gov. has released her latest order COVID 19 orders: She’ll now allow churches to open at 40%. Also, indoor dining and breweries will be reopened at 25%.

In that same press conference, she attacks Española when she drove through and apparently didn’t see masks. The Mayor responds effectively. It appears there is some bipartisan momentum for reform to New Mexico’s emergency orders. 

If you want broadband stop taxing it. 

GOP Convention speakers focus heavily on school choice.  

Expiration of $600 unemployment benefit? Data questions the impact of the expiration of this program. 

Finally, Paul talks with Ryan Davis, Operations Manager of Merrion Oil & Gas and President of the Independent Petroleum Association of New Mexico (IPANM), about the newly passed methane rule that will impact oil and gas operations in New Mexico.